MBA is the most popular graduate academic degree. It required thousands of students worldwide. It is not surprising, therefore, that MBA programs are examined to determine which ones are best. One of the most anticipated ranking of MBA programs is that Bloomberg \ 's Business WeekBut, other periodicals, including Forbes, US News and World Report, A The Wall Street Journal publish a list of MBA programs that show how some schools offer a degree of rank against each other.
Published rankings are held in many ways, often in various publications of the same from one problem to another. Positions are from a survey and interviews of business school deans, student recruiters of companies that employ graduates of the MBA
employers, graduates themselves, or combinations of these and other sources.
Early rankings of business schools focused on the dozen or so known the great Ivy League and state universities, whose reputation is already well established. They tend to ignore the hundreds of other respectable MBA programs. As time progressed, the positions are spread among well-known programs include twenty or more schools, and some positions are now separate lists that rank the top fifty or a hundred programs. However, the emphasis is on the list of a dozen or so schools that are considered top-tier.
It is not surprising given the selection method, which is mostly the same group of school ranking appears in most, though not necessarily in the same order. Lists almost always include schools such as Stanford, Harvard, Chicago, Pennsylvania's Wharton, MIT, UC Berkeley and other famous names. Also not surprising is that these schools receive hundreds of applications from qualified students to reject about 90 percent of them. It is interesting that one study, Dr. Martin Schatz * showed that if schools are classified simply by the GMAT scores of the incoming class of MBA students, plus starting salary of graduates, the list is very expensive to achieve similar rankings surveys and conducted interviews by periodicals that publish rankings.
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